Comments on: Can I really save 70 percent on products? Fri, 19 Sep 2014 13:18:31 +0000 hourly 1 Can I really save 70 percent on products? -

In short, yes. We calculate savings based upon our entire product price data. The difference between Min and Max prices over a sensible time period, not a products entire life for example, helps us gauge how well we are doing and which categories we need to improve our offering in. The existing average saving for CheckoutSpy US is 72% and we’ll update this on a regular basis to ensure we continue to offer you, our customers, a quality service whilst still meeting our business objectives.

An example of our Min and Max data is shown here (from our UK site)trend analysis This is data for a Braun Buffel Series 1 Electric Shaver and we picked this product at random from ‘Trending Price Checks‘ found halfway down our home page. To see similar data for other products you’ll need to search (or browse our categories) clicking on ‘View Prices’ buttons, before navigating to the ‘Price History’ tab.

In this example the Min price was £14.75, the Max price £96.85, a saving between the two of 84.77%!

Obviously savings do not apply to all products, with some categories barely changing over time. The large ranges can sometimes be due to short product lives, promotions and RRP (Recommended Retail Price) being used around product launch or during pre-ordering periods.

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